Interesting Links: 8.5.07

  • The Best Geek Quotes, Sayings, and Phrases: #1 – There are 10 types of people in the world: those who understand binary, and those who don’t.
  • HARLEM-13-GIGAPIXELS.COM: 13 gigapixel image taken in Harlem, New York City
  • a Grayspace Poster Gallery: This gallery mostly consists of Polish posters designed since 1940
  • FileHamster: FileHamster is a version tracking application for developers, graphic artists and other content creators that frequently modify existing files.
  • Blueprint: A CSS Framework: Blueprint is a CSS framework, which aims to cut down on your CSS development time. It gives you a solid CSS foundation to build your project on top of, with an easy-to-use grid, sensible typography, and even a stylesheet for printing.

Yet again, this is what happens when I don’t have time to blog during the week. The Geek quotes are funny, the Harlem image is pretty cool, the Polish posters are interesting to look at, FileHamster looks very useful during my upcoming college semester, and Blueprint…well, I don’t know how I feel about that one just yet.

Interesting Links: 7.19.07

  • Build Your Own Windows Vista Sidebar Gadget: An easy to follow and comprehensive tutorial that walks through how to create a sidebar gadget (including demo code).
  • Jing Project: Visual conversation starts here: The concept of Jing is the always-ready program that instantly captures and shares images and video…from your computer to anywhere.
  • 10 Articles All Bloggers Should Read (at least once):I have about twenty bloggers working for me at any given time. Many new bloggers are often not familiar with the details of blogging software (e.g. the screwy video embed issue with WP) or they don’t know much about the art of blogging.
  • The Open Source Web Design Toolbox:: This pervasiveness of the open source spirit in web design now means that you can use open source software to design both graphics and your CSS and HTML, and you can also use the dozens of reliable open source code resources or thousands of templates to base your own designs on.

This is precisely what happens when I don’t have the energy to blog during the week (thank my internship for that lack of energy). I wanted to get this summary completed before my copy of Harry Potter Deathly Hallows arrives on Saturday morning… I don’t plan on leaving the house all weekend.

Fighting Spam with CSS

Fighting Spam with CSS

I had this problem a few months ago with my old site, and was thus forced to find a solution that was light-weight, easy to implement, and most importantly was effective. I decided to turn toward my friend CSS to help me out. The idea here is setting up a form with a text field and via CSS making it invisible. Then, if a post is sent to a php script handling the request and that text box has information in it, that means a human didn’t fill it out, and the script is simply aborted.

Interesting, and surprisingly simple method for blocking most comment spam. This will be the most likely solution if I run into any comment spam problems here.

Mobile Web Development Resources

So I have recently been charged with developing a mobile version of our office website and/or our IDX (search for available homes) web search. After quite a bit of searching and reading I collected several good resources for mobile web development. I figured these might be useful to someone else at some point so I thought I’d share them.

  • WCSS (WAP CSS) Introduction -WCSS (WAP Cascading Style Sheet or WAP CSS) is the mobile version of cascading style sheet. It is a subset of CSS2 (the cascading style sheet language of the World Wide Web) plus some WAP specific extensions.
  • XHTML Mobile Profile – a rather hideous, but very useful, collection of which XHTML tags work on mobile devices (WAP).
  • XHTML Mobile Profile / XHTML MP Tutorial -a slightly more attractive and approachable version of the XHTML Mobile Profile. Just like above, a valuable resource to have.

Interesting Links: 5.10.07

This is what happens when I fall too far behind on my feeds. Here is a bulk post of interesting links:

Is Your Browser Compatible? CSS Selectors Test

CSS Selectors Test Suite
Yes this is fairly useless, but regardless it is still interesting to me. For the record:
Firefox v2.0.0.1 – From the 43 selectors 26 have passed, 10 are buggy and 7 are unsupported (Passed 357 out of 578 tests)
Internet Explorer 7 – From the 43 selectors 13 have passed, 4 are
buggy and 26 are unsupported (Passed 330 out of 578 tests)
Doesn’t sound like that big of a different 357 versus 330, but the big one is 26 passed for Firefox v2.0.0.1 while only 13 for IE7. This is the beginning of how and why IE7 is so far behind in terms of web standards support.
Interesting stuff, none the less. Here is a bit more information about CSS Selectors (2.1) if you are curious.