March is Boycott the RIAA Month

Gizmodo’s Anti-RIAA Manifesto

In case you missed it, last Friday we declared the month of March Boycott the RIAA Month. We’ve gotten sick and tired of always seeing the RIAA pulling deplorable moves and decided it was time for us to do something about it. We’re kicking the month off with this, our manifesto. We want to be absolutely clear about what this fight is about and why it’s so important. This is an overview of what the RIAA does, why it’s damaging, and what we need to do to stop it. Consider this our planted flag.

I whole heartedly agree with what they are doing. Tell your friends, tell your family, hell tell a stranger you run into. The RIAA and its members need to be put in their place, and this is an excellent place and time to start.

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Al Gore’s “America’s Constitution Is in Grave Danger”

Al Gore: ‘America’s Constitution Is in Grave Danger’

Congressman Barr and I have disagreed many times over the years, but we have joined together today with thousands of our fellow citizens – Democrats and Republicans alike – to express our shared concern that America’s Constitution is in grave danger. 

In spite of our differences over ideology and politics, we are in strong agreement that the American values we hold most dear have been placed at serious risk by the unprecedented claims of the Administration to a truly breathtaking expansion of executive power. 

As we begin this new year, the Executive Branch of our government has been caught eavesdropping on huge numbers of American citizens and has brazenly declared that it has the unilateral right to continue without regard to the established law enacted by Congress to prevent such abuses.

Yes, I know I have posted way more politically-oriented articles lately, but I think it is important to get this information out to people. Sure, this is all common knowledge, but we the American people, we the apparently apathetic and pathetically mindless zombies that we have become are letting things get worse and worse.


Statement Of Sen. Patrick Leahy

Hearing On Department Of Justice Oversight

In the 32 years since I first came to the Senate – during the era of Watergate and Vietnam – I have never seen a time when our Constitution and fundamental rights as Americans were more threatened by their own government.  Just this last weekend, the President and Vice President indicated that they intended to override the will of the American people, as expressed in the most recent national elections, and ignore actions of Congress in order to escalate the war in Iraq.

Glad to see a great quote like this coming from a senator. I’ve been saying this, and thinking this for nearly 4 years and I am glad to see someone high up voice this as well. It is a scary time we live in, and we shouldn’t be terrified of terrorists. We SHOULD be afraid of this president and his illegal and unwarranted civil rights violations. If it wasn’t bad enough that he was illegal detaining people down in Guantanamo then consider that he is illegally spying on innocent Americans.

If we have senators saying that the president has (and continues to) break the law then why the hell haven’t we impeached this asshole? Wake the hell up America!


All Kinds of Various Thoughts

Thought 1.
I am usually not very good with big changes. You give me a small change and I can roll with the punches. In fact, I can do all kinds of wonderful euphemisms as long as they are related to small amounts of change. I made a major change in my life slightly more than 2 years ago. Some might call it one of those turning points in my life. Well, that was a big change and that definitely took some readjustment time before I was comfortable in my own skin again.
This is another one of those turning points in life. I’ve gone back to school. I decided it was time to go back and finish what I had started. It sounds quite simple, but it’s hardly a simple change. In particular I am having issues with Advanced Stats. I am having these flash backs to freshman year when I took Cognitive Science. I had a great teacher, and blah blah blah, but some where in the middle of all of the Cog Sci she lost me. At it’s worst point I was so confused that I didn’t even know what I didn’t know. Think about that for a second. I didn’t even understand the things that I didn’t understand so it’s not like I could simply approach the professor and ask her about something because I was so confused I didn’t even know what to ask her about. Yeah, it was bad. Anyways, I meander, it’s still very early and I know I need to spend some quality time with my old stats book this weekend and kick my ass back into shape in regards to research design, research methods, and basic stats…but damn. What a hectic week of lostness this has been.
This is me not liking change.
Thought 2.
i am not usually a person who gets all that angry. i usually get frustrated, but then it passes and life moves on. That being said, you have managed to make me angry in a whole new kind of way. i am so pissed off with you that i really can’t even begin to put it in words. i feel betrayed, i feel let down, i feel hurt, i feel unwanted, i feel cheated, i feel suspicious, i feel given up on, but sadly enough i still _ _ _ _ you. Honestly, i think i wish i could say i didn’t at this point because of what you have done. You have managed to hurt me in all kinds of new ways that i have never felt before. i guess that is one of the advantages of being that person that fills the hole i never knew i had. You also get to be that person to rip out my heart like never before. thanks for that. i definitely won’t be loving anyone or even trusting anyone for a very long time. thanks for that too.
i know you might not like reading this (if you actually bother to read this which i somehow doubt), but it’s the truth and as you decided to remind me several times during that phone call “we’ve always been honest.” well here is honest, take it or leave it. wait, you already left it. i do find it a bit amusing that you say you’re apparently not ready for us to be friends. how in the fuck does that make any sense? you’re not ready to just be friends? why the fuck not? you’re the one who decided we weren’t anything more than that anyways. you were the one who decided you didn’t love me. and yet you say you’re not ready for us to just be friends. one would logically think that i would be the one letting you know when i was ready to be friends, but strangely enough you’ve decided to take that decision away from me as well. that is what i find amusing.
i know some where down the line this won’t hurt as much. i know this will be one of those learning experiences and all that other bullshit. right now though i am the most angry i have ever been with someone in my life. sadly, i don’t hate you. i can’t seem to hate you, honestly i don’t know why i can’t, but it won’t happen. so i guess we’ll see. either you’ll read this and decide you don’t need me as a friend neither, or you can realize you need to accept the consequences of what you have done, and then eventually whenever you feel like it we can give this friends thing a try again i guess.


Wow, so this is a whole new kind of empty.

The problem when you fill a hole you never knew existed is when it goes back to being empty.

Now what the fuck do I do?



Still generally feeling like utter crap for personal reasons. Sorry for the lack of posts. Hopefully more to come after the Microsoft keynote at CES this evening (which is currently 5 minutes late).

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Untitled 1.1.07

It feels like being stabbed

and it’s slowly being twisted.

It feels like a punch in the stomach

It knocks the wind out of you,

before you get a chance for one last breathe.

I can’t take a deep breathe

there isn’t much left inside anyways.

Sleep isn’t going to happen

it will just be filled,

with nightmares


I hate waiting

Knowing what the outcome might be,

It just makes this hurt even more.

For all my faith

all my blind faith

I have a feeling we won’t find our way back

to each other

if we let go now.

It is like hearing the rope dragging on the floor

as he comes down the hallway

to (perhaps) finish me off.

I hate waiting

six more days of this hell.

I hate waiting


The 10 Most Outrageous Civil Liberties Violations of 2006

The 10 most outrageous civil liberties violations of 2006

I don’t know about you, but I think we should have hung Bush right next to Saddam. I am a US citizen, and I am honestly and utterly ashamed to say this asshole is my president.

I have never been ashamed to be an American before Bush took over the presidency. He has committed countless civil rights violations and god knows what other atrocities he has committed in the name of his little “war on terror.” His pathetic war does not trump my civil rights.

We need to impeach Bush now, we need him in prison or better yet, publicly hung just like Saddam was.
