4.5.07 Thoughts and What is Coming Next

It’s been a long time since I just wrote a post with no real purpose or intention so I thought I’d do just that today.

So quite a lot is going “right” for me at the moment. *Knocks on wood* It looks like I am doing pretty well in my classes this first semester back at college. That’s a nice surprise. I landed a research job that starts this upcoming Summer, and then it will turn into an independent study in the Fall 2007 semester as well. This is a good thing if nothing else than for the experience. I am going on a wonderful vacation to Mexico in June. Obviously a good thing. I have “rekindled” (for the lack of a better word) a friendship with someone I have been missing a great deal. You might see a theme, this is another good thing. My point in all of this is that I feel optimistic and I feel hopeful about the future. I don’t know the last time I was able to say that. Sure I still don’t fully understand what I want to do with my future, but I feel like I am able to deal with that battle when it comes.

I have big plans for myself this summer, besides work and research, and I just hope I can stick with these plans. I can’t possibly make it through a post without some obviously nerdy comment(s) right? Right. Well, I plan to hopefully learn a significant chunk of javascript and DOM this Summer during my free time.  The links I just mentioned point to the W3 Schools webpage which is an incredible source of knowledge for any aspiring developers/coders. I recently spent an evening hacking away at the Twitter API because they offer some truly god awful embeddable”badges”. I had to fight with the API a little bit to get it to spit out more than one Twitter at a time, long story short I got it working and it felt great to figure it out. This was also encouraging to me because I remembered a bit of the C++ programming that I had learned way back in highschool. Anyways, I digress. I hope to learn some useful things this summer that I can eventually implement on this blog.

Along these lines of learning, I also plan to make some major changes to my blog/webpage. Right now I use ExpressionEngine to power this site, and it has served me quite well for the past 4 years. That being said, I think it is time for me to move on to a different CMS. I’ve tested just about every CMS/blogging engine over the past 4 years in search of something that might be the perfect fit for me, and I think the “best of the worst” is WordPress. I specifically phrase it this way because there are definitely some things about WordPress that I do not like, but it also has some very enticing features that in the end have won me over. In conclusion, hopefully sometime around the middle of May I will start work on a new design, and then work on the transfer of all 900-something entries to WordPress. I am sure there will be some rough patches, and the typical glitches during this switch over, but I think in the end it will be for the best.

p.s. Season 3 of Lost is absolutely rocking my world… rasberry

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