Apple Bullies Bloggers, Again

Apple Bullies Bloggers, Again

Apple has a history of using lawyers against bloggers. There was the now infamous Think Secret lawsuit, which may have had merit. But they also engage in clearly superfluous, bullying tactics as well. Today Apple is engaging in similar tactics against a number of bloggers who simply reported on the fact that someone created a skin for Windows Mobile phones that looks exactly like the new iPhone user interface. See the images above – the Windows version is on the left, Apple’s version is on the right.

Update 1: I already have acquired a copy from a friend. Leave me a comment with your email address and I’ll be sure to get you a copy as well.

If anyone has this file I am making a public request that you leave me a comment with how I can get this file from you. *See Update 1*

I do not have a Windows Mobile device, but I want to make sure anyone who wants this can get a copy.

This shit is getting out of hand. Apple can come track me down for this if they desire. I really don’t care.

Here is what the skin looks like:


And yes, I am dead serious about this. If anyone is curious why I think this is ridiculous: What about the other millions (and that is being conservative) of websites with images of the iPhone and it’s UI? Oh right, it’s not any different. So Apple better get busy tracking down and sending out Cease and Desists to those guys as well. Otherwise, Fuck you Apple.

[tag]Tech News[/tag]
[tag]Internet Related[/tag]
[tag]Windows Modding[/tag]
[tag]Visual Modding[/tag]