Twitter Posts for the week of 2010-09-18

  • back home, finally. #
  • the (very damp) raccoon currently huddled on my fire escape… #
  • @effedparkslope hey there, I have a sick raccoon on my fire escape, any local people who can help? animal control probably last option. in reply to effedparkslope #
  • @seankovacs will GV Mobile + still be free for me if I bought the Cydia version and the old App Store version back in the day? in reply to seankovacs #
  • people in Brooklyn — any idea who I can call about a sick raccoon? Animal Control is not my 1st pref if possible. #
  • @effedparkslope thank you for your help! 🙂 #
  • Want to know when you get the #NewTwitter automatically? #
  • Internet Explorer 9 Brings Apps to Microsoft Windows 7 #
  • @viticci redesign looks great …the header is MASSIVE though…not enough content above the fold. Just an opinion of course. in reply to viticci #
  • @typegirl absolutely not. not going to pay for Hulu Plus if they will still show me adds. what a waste of money. in reply to typegirl #
  • IE9 isn't half bad …I don't think I'll actually use it, but it's definitely a huge improvement. #
  • Smoking in Times Square/Union Sq Would Be Banned Under New Plan — good, about time. #
  • Jeter admits he faked being hit by the pitch — this is why everyone hates the Yankees. #
  • Wow. That was some seriously crazy weather in Brooklyn this afternoon. #
  • video someone shot of the tornado in Brooklyn last night. crazy. #
  • this is what it looks like when a storm rolls into Brooklyn (from yesterday) #
  • oh gee look — FedEx failing at life yet again. I will go out of my way to never use them in the future. #