My Reading List

So now that I’ve officially graduated from college  *pauses for applause* (just kidding) I have all kinds of plans to read like it’s my job. I’ve missed out on reading many of the literary classics because being a psychology major has severely limited my exposure to reading for pleasure. I plan to rectify this travesty gradually, but with strenuous vigor in the future. That being said I’ve started to gather my list of books that I plan to read. This list will of course grow (and shrink) as I find more books, but at least it’s a start.
[Update 1.21.09 — Google is going to close down Google Notebook so I’ve moved these lists to Zoho Notebook instead.

4 thoughts on “My Reading List

  1. Congratulations! I've started reading classics that I've always wanted to as well! As an English lit minor, I had always been told by my profs that I was too “contemporary” in my pick of English courses so I intend to read-up on as many “older” books as much as possible. One I can definitely recommend (that's on your list)–as I've read it recently–is 1984 by George Orwell (and if you haven't read Animal Farm as well, read that prior to 1984; AF is a good primer to the genre. Oh, and btw, great site, I like your pick of colors and organization. Maybe you could fire me some tips if you get the time on my blog, Soon Tech News.

  2. Congratulations! I've started reading classics that I've always wanted to as well! As an English lit minor, I had always been told by my profs that I was too “contemporary” in my pick of English courses so I intend to read-up on as many “older” books as much as possible. One I can definitely recommend (that's on your list)–as I've read it recently–is 1984 by George Orwell (and if you haven't read Animal Farm as well, read that prior to 1984; AF is a good primer to the genre. Oh, and btw, great site, I like your pick of colors and organization. Maybe you could fire me some tips if you get the time on my blog, Soon Tech News.

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