Twitter Posts for 2008-10-04

  • Manny Ramirez who? Jason Bay with his 2nd homerunw of the ALDS πŸ™‚ #
  • @steelopus I’m not picky where the players come from as long as they’re good. :p #
  • @BryanPerson sounds like a plan to me πŸ™‚ #RedSox #
  • watching the end of the game and going to bed. so much for that… #
  • no big plans for Saturday. a little homework, and going to see Religulous this afternoon. #
  • 8 months after switching here are my favorite applications #
  • feeling lost today. I know I have a bunch of things I should/could be doing, but I can’t seem to figure out what those things are. #
  • – The Palin Debate Flow-Chart ….funny because it’s so painfully true. Think about it, it’s exactly what she does! #
  • according to my Tweets are worth $18.95/month. um, I call bulls**t. #
  • doing my class podcast, writing my class blog entry, and reading about some political psych stuff … getting a lot done in a short period. #
  • – 10 Creepiest Old Ads …very funny and creepy ads. wow. #
  • @ckanal @kalong I’d love to understand the logic behind these “calculations” … seems a little fishy to me. #
  • @ckanal @kalong for example, my “value” just went up to $19.11 now …what the hell? #
  • Religulous was pretty good. It said the same thing that I think: “how are you possibly so sure?” don’t be a sheep, ask questions. #
  • seriously, how in the hell do I have 465 followers? I’m *totally* not nearly interesting enough to justify that. #
  • @steelopus I need to clean things up, it’s been a month since I did last. @matc1984 I might be offended if I didn’t agree πŸ˜› #