Twitter Posts for 2008-09-29

  • Just about to leave NYC. 😦 #
  • Really would like to call in sick to work tomorrow. Really not looking forward to all that work left over from Friday. #
  • Damn the world… Taxi time is 50 minutes and the flight time is 52 minutes. Grr. #
  • Watching Sunday night football while waiting to take off…at least we have football. #
  • …still waiting to take off….grr. 😦 #
  • absolutely hilarious SNL video of Palin …. funny because it’s actually pretty accurate. #
  • @edythemighty things worked out. 🙂 #
  • absolutely exhausted after a wonderful (but long) weekend. sooo not ready for work tomorrow though. #
  • …coffee and what looks to be a very busy Monday. #
  • @aliciamk just doesn’t seem fair does it? 😛 #
  • working on the motivation to get started with all of my work today. allergies are killing me today. #
  • 7 or 8 different things I should be doing this morning, none of which I actually feel motivated to do. #
  • did I miss something? Why is Apple’s stock price plummeting? #
  • Verizon Wireless to get the iPhone? #
  • soooo much stuff to do in the next 3 1/2 hours. oy vey! #
  • oh man… the Dow is tanking today. This is going to be ugly. #
  • absolutely exhausted, but I need to try and fix my computer this evening instead of being lazy #
  • @edythemighty that would be one very RED iPhone 😛 #
  • never actually thought I’d say I was glad to back on Vista. Fixed my registry…maybe I actually can relax tonight. #
  • “What Campaign Ads Would Look Like If the Voting Age Was 6” …lol. actually made me laugh on this otherwise awful day #
  • anyone have an invite for DevjaVu? …I’d love to play with the “Instant Trac” functionality #
  • lol…never mind, found an invite code for DevjaVu … *cough* DM if you want to try the site out. #