Twitter Posts for 2008-09-24

  • dear some developer or company, I will pay good money for an application that syncs with my iPod Touch that doesn’t suck ass like iTunes. #
  • yet again iTunes f**ks me over. I’m so sick of this s**tty application. #
  • @steelopus Literally this is what happened: it was great this afternoon, I synced my Touch, clicked the close button, re-opened and corrupt #
  • @steelopus I didn’t end task, I closed it down nicely, didn’t restart, didn’t defrag, nothing …just opened it about 2 hours later. #
  • @steelopus yeah… pretty much. Technology hates me, I swear. #
  • @cdiaz no problem. I was just curious. #
  • actually quite useful for reminding yourself what trendy web 2.0 sites you signed up for and then forgot. 😛 #
  • first rule of the App Store is don’t talk about the App Store. …and why do people feel so much love for Apple? #
  • "The Daily Show’s 8 Best Hacker Moments" #
  • I should be doing reading, but I doubt that I will. #
  • lunch, some last minute reading, group meeting, and then off to my seminar #
  • forgot my cellphone at home…it’s amazing how naked I feel without it now. …won’t be home until 6ish to get it though. #
  • girl next to me just shut off the monitor in the process of trying to get the computer to come out of sleep…inpatient much?! #
  • not all that much to do this evening…but I *should* actually work ahead I suppose. We shall see what my level of motivation is like. #
  • McCain suspends campaigning to deal to the economic problems …um what makes him and Obama so special to deal w/ this? #
  • Retweeting @cdiaz: If he is elected will McCain be limited to one task at a time? New Obama ad: Yes We Can…Multitask. #
  • I haven’t had Pizza Hut in quite literally a year or two…. suddenly got a massive craving… and now I’m giving in. #
  • @BryanPerson I wouldn’t call it a jackass move, I think it’s more a load of bullshit. a "oh shit, I’m sooo not ready for this debat … #
  • @WinHEC you honestly think that the pre-beta build won’t leak onto the torrent sites in a matter of hours after it’s in the hands of devs? #
  • dear god I hate listening to recordings of my own voice … making a podcast for my digital media class… #