Twitter Posts for 2008-07-29

  • I forgot how absurdly awesome Tribe Called Quest – Anthology was …easily one of the best albums ever created. #
  • @Mobasoft I’d love to a see Mobile Firefox/Opera on the iPhone/Touch …that would make my month in fact. #
  • feeling really odd today. I just feel disconnected from the world. #
  • @ckieff what’s the database for if I might ask? I’m intrigued… #
  • @ckieff gotcha …nothing that’ #
  • @ckieff gotcha …nothing that’ll end up with you sleeping on the couch if you mess something up? πŸ˜› #
  • @ckieff lol…OOOOH! Yeah. get it right πŸ˜› #
  • is not in the mood to play games. #
  • lady right next to me on a conference call, talking insanely loud, can hear her over my music (headphones). yeesh. #
  • @steelopus try out the “free” Touch apps …working well for me, the list of “free” apps keeps growing by the hour. #
  • @Mobasoft Apple is crippling it’s own device with the awful limitations on the SDK (and the F*&^ing NDA). That’s too bad #
  • @lucky_luciano oh man, I wish. She is always a loud talker, but this is ridiculous. #
  • @lucky_luciano hah… that “deer in headlights” look …yeah πŸ˜‰ #
  • @Mobasoft some adventurous Mozilla hackers could always take Firefox the Pwned route to give us extenions/plugins also πŸ˜‰ #
  • I hate to love this song …. Ingrid Michaelson – The Way I Am …it’s….so…us. #
  • disappearing for the rest of the day. #
  • what a day. geez. #
  • not a fan of the new alt+tab switching in Firefox 3.1 …really slows down tab switching. Thumbnails are pretty, but not very helpful. #
  • missing her a lot this evening… it just kind of hit me. #
  • @steelopus it’s good, but I wouldn’t say “of the year” πŸ˜‰ #
  • 1Password is now available on the App Store …for free! πŸ˜‰ #
  • add icons do the desktop when you insert a CD or removable drive on Windows …yes, just like Linux and OSX. #
  • @snowcialmedia looks like YouAre isn’t escaping user input …that’s troublesome to say the least. Can you say SQL injection? Contacted them #