Twitter Posts for 2008-06-30

  • wow, definitely could have/would have slept for another few hours easily. feeling exhausted this morning…coffee here I come! #
  • only 2 more nights of sleeping alone…thank god… #
  • general feeling this morning is basically summed up as: ๐Ÿ™‚ … 3 more days, 2 more nights. that is all. #
  • @strawpoll Home runnning Vista (2), work running XP (1) …(home also Ubuntu and OSX as well) #
  • allergies are destroying me this morning, but I’m trying not to care all that much… #
  • blocking a few spammer requests on Twitter. not doing too bad on spammers…only maybe 1-2 spammers per week #
  • @Matthom I have the same problem, but I’m just tall…I’ve come to expect it at this point ๐Ÿ˜‰ #
  • @Matthom I love walking out of the house first in the morning to a face full of spide webs…the dog just happily runs under them. #
  • @Matthom I *constantly* wonder about that. *shiver* …I take that back, I don’t want to think about that. #
  • decided to get a little sneaky (and paranoid), and installed a key scrambler at work. I don’t like the idea of *possibily* being spied on. #
  • @Matthom you’re not sorry. ๐Ÿ˜‰ It’s good to know someone else worries about the same thing though. #
  • @replies are now only display @replies for the current day? …that’s, uh, different (and isn’t very helpful). #
  • I think Twitter increased the API limit? Twhirl is reporting 70 requests per hour at the moment…can that be correct? #
  • @steelopus heck of a storm yesterday evening huh? Did you get any of the hail they predicted? #
  • I’m on a roll so far today…already 14 updates (this will be 15) to Twitter this morning. #
  • Apple Laptop Upgrades Costing 200% More Than Dells (can’t say I’m shocked.) #
  • and just like that half of the day is gone…amazing. (I’m not complaining, just a bit shocked) #
  • wtf? I just updated MS Mac Office 2008 and now I can’t open any of the applications. It just keeps loading the AutoUpdate checker instead #
  • Twitter versus Plurk: Not Even in the Same League (interesting comparison.) #
  • @steelopus I have very little that is positive to say about Apple. Would you like me to lie? I do like my iPod Touch. I’ll give them that. #
  • @steelopus I don’t have all that much positive to say about Microsoft either. Nor Google for that matter. I like Microsoft Research labs tho #
  • CSS Variables are รขโ‚ฌยฆ. here! (how many times have you wanted to use variables? such good news!) #
  • @srcasm coffee 85% of the time. Tea the other 15% #
  • I’m just a snotty coughing mess today. Allergy meds really don’t seem to be doing the trick (duh, obviously). #
  • hilarious! especially the Michael Jackson one. #
  • @steelopus lol…I am quite positive about a lot of things. #
  • @srcasm I honestly just really like the complex taste of a very good cup of coffee. I don’t care about the caffeine. #
  • 10 web design books you probably missed but owe yourself to read #
  • Windows Steady State created a temporary cache of your operating system that you can just flush to reset back to beginning #
  • I’m not such a fan of Spanish wines when it comes to just sipping. They tend to be a bit too aggressive/spicy for my liking. #
  • @flocker excellent! Do you offer nightly builds? (like Firefox 3.1pre where I just download the new version each day?) #