Twitter Posts for 2008-06-19

  • confused, but not necessarily in a bad way I guess. #
  • get to leave early today 🙂 hopefully the day goes smoothly until then though. #
  • I really wish it would rain today. I feel like a rainy day. #
  • Friend in response to Tiger being out for the rest of 2008: “yeah I bleed for a guy that makes millions and has a hot wife and kid” #
  • way too many things to do in the next hour and 45 minutes. crap. #
  • does anyone actually use the favorites star in Twitter? I just use it to bookmarks Tweets for later. #
  • performance review went pretty well. I never know what to do with praise. I always just feel so awkward. #
  • @Matthom I don’t think you can target “Target” without adding a class. #
  • @Matthom can’t tell you the numbers of times I forgot what I had just said minutes before. Horrible horrible memory. Not the pot either. #
  • @ScrnShots no update I assume? Or is the built in “check for updates” not working? #
  • @ScrnShots I don’t mean to be annoying. I was just curious, really 🙂 #
  • giving AT&T’s Pogo browser a try. Don’t exactly have high expectations #
  • AT&T’s Pogo browser: It’s already taken 16 minutes trying to import my bookmarks from Firefox …this is not a good first impression. #
  • AT&T’s Pogo browser is REALLY struggling with my 2,900 bookmarks. #
  • Cannot for the life of me find the cleanex in this store. *sneeze* #
  • @steelopus smart ass! 😉 #
  • anyone need an invite for I have 2 invites to give out. #
  • Ok. I will finally admit it: Gmail + Remember the Milk extension = heaven. All I really need is my inline gCalendar to work again. #