Twitter Posts for 2008-05-20

  • I really wish my office would upgrade to Lotus Notes 8 … we’re still back on 7.3 and it’s horrendous. #
  • like Wikipedia, but all about John McCain, and the plethora of stupid things he has said. #
  • *KNOCK ON WOOD* Lester has a no hitter (8 K’s) in the middle of the 8th. …come watch this game. #
  • John Lester just threw a no hitter (just ignore the 2 walks)! #
  • Great breakdown of Google Health vs HIPAA. Definitely worth a read if you’re even considering using the site. #
  • yeah, sleep, that probably ain’t happening. #
  • It’s back, and it’s more web 2.0-ish then ever. #
  • iPhone Web Development with Ruby on Rails. #
  • I saw a squirrel fall out of a tree this morning, that can’t be a good omen for the day #
  • Barack Obama poster…just testing out TweetCube #
  • Hillary supporters: if you actually vote for McCain instead of Obama you obviously aren’t true democrats. just saying… #
  • greatest irony of life: those you love the most are also those that can hurt you the most. #
  • Adobe Thermo looks very very cool. Can’t wait to play around with this when the public beta begins #

Twitter Posts for 2008-05-19

  • WordPress hacks, tips, and all kinds of useful information. #
  • Is anyone also on SecondBrain? Does anyone actually use that site? #
  • I have this habit of favoriting 10-15 YouTube videos at a time. I find one, then another, etc etc …it’s rarely just one at a time. #
  • It’s currently 41 outside, 33 with the windchill…gotta love Rochester weather. #
  • twit client/manager forgot to send an important part of this project before she left for vacation…we’re screwed now. not good. #
  • what a morning this has already been…let’s hope the rest of the day improves. #
  • something about a 9 minute lunch is never satisfying. #
  • the sky looks so dark and ominous right now…kinda glad I’m inside right about now. #
  • Reading all about XHTML 2 and HTML 5. It really is very interesting stuff. #
  • Not cool…Google Health: "As a result, HIPAA does not apply to the transmission of health information by Google to any third party." #
  • Kama Sutra for IT People #
  • I always laugh when I hear grown women with teeny-bopper ringtones. #
  • @MarinaMartin that site sounds like SUCH a bad idea. #
  • anyone need an invite for Toluu? I have 3 to give out. #
  • starting to read Middlesex, making some coffee, watching the Red Sox game, oh — and listening to some very chill jazz #

Twitter Posts for 2008-05-18

  • coffee + reading + Sunday = relaxing. #
  • going to see the new Narnia movie this afternoon #
  • My cell has this annoying habit of appearing to not sending text messages, but it actually will send it twice. #
  • shockingly positive review of Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystall Skull. maybe it’s not THAT bad. #
  • Chronicles of Narina 2: Prince Caspian was HORRIBLE. 2 1/2 hours of terrible acting and so-so special effects. not worth it. #
  • Celtics going to win this afternoon? I sure hope so *knocks on wood* #
  • Having a glass of Cab Sauvignon by Robert Mondavi…in honor of his passing away this week. #
  • @kriswert do you mind if I ask how much you pay a month for your blackberry? Which carrier? #
  • Paul Pierce looks great tonight…let’s see if we can hold off Lebron. #
  • @chrisbrogan kind of funny/scary/sad isn’t it? #
  • @crystal the new Narnia? Just saw it this afternoon, it was awful. #
  • announcer: "The Celtic fans don’t agree with the call" in the background you can clearly hear "bullshit…bullshit…bullshit" 😉 #
  • Lebrun really is ridiculously good. It’s not even funny. #
  • That’s the game… Allen with the free throws to seal the game. 🙂 #
  • Celtics win. Celtics win!! #
  • just finished reading "The Alchemist"…decent book — a little overly spiritual for my liking, but still enjoyable. #

Twitter Posts for 2008-05-17

  • I’m surprised you can’t update your Facebook status via cell phone yet, or can you? #
  • @greggannicott Right, but I meant via text message (like how you can with Twitter). #
  • a 1TB drive is around $230 …a 750GB drive is $120? wtf? … I’d expect maybe $160-$170ish, but almost $100 more for another 250GB? #
  • @kriswert Thanks for the tip. I’ll add that to the column of why I should get a Blackberry 😛 #
  • Watching Romeo and Juliet….this certainly isn’t going to make me any less lonely. #
  • @unixfudotnet I’m a sucker for the scene where they first see each other through the aquarium …it gets me every time. #
  • making some dinner, maybe a little reading, maybe a little bit of the Red Sox game. #

Twitter Posts for 2008-05-16

  • no baseball and no basketball makes Homer something something… go crazy? Don’t mind if I do! 😛 #
  • "12 Signs that the Recession Has Hit The Internet". Funny/sad stuff. #
  • Get a free copy of PCMover (Windows) today …normally $50. Might be slow, the servers are getting slammed. #
  • my boss just had his long awaited baby girl last night! 9lbs 3oz, Alison Elizabeth 🙂 #
  • @raw_dan A very large teddy bear 😛 #
  • @raw_dan ah yes! no choking hazards, and of course allergy free! 😛 #
  • Google’s Doctype (stupid name for a website) – has all kinds of information, tips & tricks, etc …could be useful. #
  • Apple’s security team fails at life. Safari vulnerable to "carpet bombing" and Apple doesn’t care. #
  • @florianseroussi absolutely. Go to Settings –> Accounts –> Get mail from other accounts –> enter the POP info for other acco … #
  • @florianseroussi May also want to setup a filter (and label) that will file mail from other accnts into specific labels (makes it easier) #
  • Uh…a few morons are planning a "Twit-Out" on May 21st. Clearly boycotting Twitter for a day will matter. *shakes head* #
  • @florianseroussi Yep, exactly. Basically it’s the same process 🙂 #
  • Bra with builtin solar panels *sigh* …what’s next? #
  • @jxpx777 Twitterfone has horrible transcription compared to Jott. That’s the only difference I’ve noticed. #
  • reinstalling Diablo 2 LoD …still one of the best games ever created (and addicting as hell) #
  • Any Mac geniuses out there? This will work with my Mactel Mini right? #
  • @iteachcomputers That would be amazing. Thank you so much! #
  • Just a test post to twitter from Jott. #
  • @jowyang probably 3-5 days as well. #
  • ok…to consolidate my 5 external HDDs I need at least 700GB …so a 1TB is probably my only real option. (planning for some growth) #
  • updating from Win Mobile…pretty cool and simple app. #
  • wonderful, the SSH on my Touch just stopped working again for no particular reason…it does this every few months. kind of annoying #
  • Making some dinner, gonna watch the Red Sox game and/or Celtics game. #
  • wow… Wired just bought Ars Technica. Everyone is buying everyone these days… #

Interesting Links 5.16.08

Twitter Posts for 2008-05-15

  • Twitter is having a mini-heart attack this evening. API dies, site dies, *sigh*. #
  • @Matthom glad to hear things worked out well. #
  • Looks like it may be a Thursday (and Friday) of working on my Ruby #
  • Anyone try/use myvidoop? Curious if it’s any good. #
  • apple fritters are so unhealthy, but just so damn good also. #
  • free 16 oz iced coffee at Dunkin Donuts today, 10am – 10pm #
  • Zenbe finally added Firefox 3 support! Now pretty please add support for RTM as my to-do list… 🙂 #
  • I’m getting good at not taking on unnecessary new work…sorry too much going on right now already. #
  • meeting was kind of a waste of time (shocking, I know)….back to coding for the afternoon. #
  • MS Office 2007 Search Commands…very cool. It’s like Quicksilver for MS Office 2007! #
  • early review of new Indian Jones…conclusion: it’s dreadful. #
  • I’m bored and tired of coding for the day…2 more hours? *sigh* #
  • …I think it’s nap time (yeah right, let me dream) #
  • Myanmar might be up to 118,000 and China may be up to 50,000. jesus…that is crazy. #
  • anyone else lost (har har) interest in Lost this season? I’m just not nearly as excited/intrigued to watch each week. #
  • @heidihoover It’s just not nearly as interesting this season, and the 10PM start time certainly does not help my motivation. #
  • @heidihoover lol…yeah, I hear ya. They are just making it overly confusing just because they can. Kind of annoying. #
  • @steelopus Yeah, just hasn’t done it for me this season. (and Michael has always irritated me). #
  • @steelopus exactly! 😛 …him and Locke. They irritate the crap out of me. #
  • Time to get the hell out of here. Thank god i’m working from home tomorrow. #
  • Pizza, wings, and dear god do I just need a simple quiet evening. #

Baby's First Ruby App

So I’ve begun to learn Ruby (for work), and I thought I might share a little bit of my progress so far. Progress might be an exaggeration considering how basic this application actually is, but at least I’m slowly but surely moving in the right direction anyway.

So here’s the 1st part of it:

   1:  #GET INPUT
   2:  puts "Please enter a number"  
   3:  STDOUT.flush  
   4:  num1 = gets.chomp.to_i
   6:  puts "Please enter another number"  
   7:  STDOUT.flush  
   8:  num2 = gets.chomp.to_i
  10:  puts "Please pick the type of operation:
  11:  (A)dd
  12:  (S)ubtract
  13:  (M)ultiply
  14:  (D)ivide)"  
  15:  STDOUT.flush  
  16:  oper = gets.chomp

So here we’re asking the user for 2 numbers, cleaning up the input, and then storing it into 2 variables (num1 and num2). We then ask the user to select which type of mathematical operation they’d like to perform (addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division).

The 2nd part:

   2:  if oper == ("a" or "A")  
   3:          add(num1, num2)
   4:      elsif oper == ("s" or "S")
   5:          subtract(num1, num2)
   6:      elsif oper == ("m" or "M")
   7:          multiply(num1, num2)
   8:      elsif oper ==  ("d" or "D")
   9:          divide(num1, num2)
  10:  end

.csharpcode, .csharpcode pre
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background-color: #ffffff;
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.csharpcode .lnum { color: #606060; }

So here we’re deciding what we’re going to do with our 2 variables (num1 and num2) based on the users selection. If they enter “a” or “A” (for example) we will then execute the method called “add” on line 3. Speaking of these methods…

The 3rd and final part:

   2:  def add(num1, num2)  
   3:    sum = num1 + num2
   4:    puts "#{num1} + #{num2} = #{sum}"
   5:  end  
   7:  def subtract(num1, num2)
   8:      if num1 > num2  
   9:        diff = num1 - num2
  10:        puts "#{num1} - #{num2} = #{diff}"
  11:      else
  12:        diff = num2 - num1
  13:        puts "#{num2} - #{num1} = #{diff}"
  14:      end
  15:  end  
  17:  def multiply(num1, num2)  
  18:    prod = num1 * num2
  19:    puts "#{num1} X #{num2} = #{prod}"
  20:  end  
  22:  def divide(num1, num2)  
  23:      if num1 > num2  
  24:          div = num1 / num2
  25:          puts "#{num1} /  #{num2} = #{div}"
  26:      else
  27:          div = num2/num1
  28:          puts "#{num2} /  #{num1} = #{div}"
  29:      end
  30:  end 

.csharpcode, .csharpcode pre
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background-color: #ffffff;
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.csharpcode .attr { color: #ff0000; }
.csharpcode .alt
background-color: #f4f4f4;
width: 100%;
margin: 0em;
.csharpcode .lnum { color: #606060; }

Each one of these methods (starting on lines 2, 7, 17, and 22) perform a particular set of functions based on the variables that are being passed in (num1 and num2). These methods are called based on the earlier code (part 2) that selected which method applied based on which of the mathematical operations the user selected. The 2 numbers that the user entered are passed into that method, some type of calculation is carried out, and then the result is displayed to the user. In the case of subtraction and division, I elected to add an additional step that would determine which of the 2 entered numbers was larger, and then it would order the calculation accordingly so as to not return a negative number (but this is purely optional).

To recap, and provide a plain English flow of how this happen in this simple little application: the user enters 2 numbers, and then they select a mathematical operation. Based on that operation we go through a series of checks to match which operation was selected, the 2 numbers entered by the users are passed to the method, and then we enter the applicable method. The method then performs the necessary calculations and displays the output to the user.

Pretty simple, not exactly rocket science, but it’s a start at least. I wanted to play with conditional statements a bit, as well as creating and calling my own methods. Next up will be to continue to experiment with arrays and hashes.
.csharpcode, .csharpcode pre
font-size: small;
color: black;
font-family: consolas, “Courier New”, courier, monospace;
background-color: #ffffff;
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.csharpcode .rem { color: #008000; }
.csharpcode .kwrd { color: #0000ff; }
.csharpcode .str { color: #006080; }
.csharpcode .op { color: #0000c0; }
.csharpcode .preproc { color: #cc6633; }
.csharpcode .asp { background-color: #ffff00; }
.csharpcode .html { color: #800000; }
.csharpcode .attr { color: #ff0000; }
.csharpcode .alt
background-color: #f4f4f4;
width: 100%;
margin: 0em;
.csharpcode .lnum { color: #606060; }

Twitter Posts for 2008-05-14

  • crappy start to the day, so lets hope the rest of it improves a bit. #
  • listening to Norah Jones, trying to write some code this morning #
  • @jxpx777 I’m looking for an invite for Fire Eagle as well. I’ll invite you if I get in. #
  • my day just went from busy to ridiculously busy in no more than 45 seconds. how helpful of my boss. #
  • @DougH I rarely ever edit unless I need to make room for my $0.02 #
  • boy was I ever wrong, it’s going from a bad day into an awful day. for some stupid reason I’m almost surprised too. #
  • gorgeous weather …75, light breeze, and a little cloudy. thank god for lunch. #
  • @laughingsquid I heard it only displays 20 items per feed right now …can you confirm/deny? #
  • @laughingsquid I’m at work at the moment…I plan to when I get home. #
  • damn it, the thumb drive they shipped me is SUPER slow. Need to ship this POS back pronto. #
  • @Matthom how did things work with your dog? Is he/she doing ok? #
  • this thumb drive is transferring at 3.84KB/sec …um, wtf? #

Twitter Posts for 2008-05-13

  • watching the Red Sox and then watching the Celtics eventually. #
  • Intense Debate or Disqus? Anyone have any thoughts, opinions, etc? #
  • @edythemighty I’m using ID right now, but why do you prefer it over Disqus? #
  • anyone need invites for NewsCred? #
  • @tktino What did I invite you to? If you mean NewsCred then I need an email addresss #
  • @tktino I need your email address to send the invite … DM me if you want, or figure out a creative way to tell me on here. #
  • at that point where I have no f*cking idea what to do with this problem. just absolutely no idea. #
  • @tktino sent the invite. enjoy. #
  • @tktino yeah, I think I invited you a while back. Anyone else need an invite for Dropbox? I have 10 to give out. #
  • @danbenjamin Except it’ll have the same problem as Digg: legitimate/credible stories get buried because of differing opinions. #
  • it’s funny how in the morning it’s almost like nothing happened, because clearly we’ve all forgotten already… #
  • @danbenjamin right. It’s an interesting idea, but it still has a few issues that need to be figured out. #
  • Microsoft’s WorldWide Telescope application has been released…won’t get to play with it until I get home tonight #
  • headed to Syracuse for most of the day…meetings all day long #
  • Meetings have been surprisingly unproductive so far…not that i’m complaining. #
  • Getting lunch, or trying to…line is huge. Well crap. #
  • Fairly productive afternoon meeting…finally heading home. #
  • In serious need of some form of caffeine, but it doesn’t look like that will happen. #
  • Stuck in the car, being forced to listen to my bosses pro-Republican bullshit. #
  • dinner and maybe a little bit of the Red Sox game #
  • upload to several sharing sites at the same time…this could be handy. #
  • giving another try…I’ve tried to get into it at least 5 different times by now. I doubt I’ll keep using it. #
  • "Kevin Youkilis is the Greek god of walks, except that he’s actually Jewish" …lol…way to go announcer dude! 😛 #
  • watching "There Will be Blood" …heard great stuff about it. #