Twitter Posts for 2008-05-31

  • Wow ok. Looking-like and sounding-like a hell of a thunderstorm tonight. #
  • it’s 6am on Saturday, I can’t sleep so what should I do? Oh right, watch the season finale of Lost (with lots of coffee) #
  • no real plans for the day. maybe clean my closet like I really need to. maybe do absolutely nothing productive. we shall see. #
  • “Lost Season 4 – The Physics of Moving the Island” …vaguely interesting read. #
  • Who knew Lost contained so many science/physics references. Interesting stuff, even if it makes my brain hurt. #
  • 86% humidity …ick. No wonder I’m sweating when it’s only 68 outside. #
  • @StarrGazr Exatly. Even if you shower you’ll just feel disgusting again in 30 minutes. #
  • @StarrGazr definitely. I can deal with 100 if it’s dry heat, but 75 with 90% humidity and I’m just miserable. #
  • @StarrGazr 🙂 It’ll get less humd by the time it gets there. The two of can will it so 😉 #
  • cleaning out my closet. my goal is at least 40% of the clothing will go to Good Will. *fingers crossed* #
  • @StarrGazr did it end up humid today? Or did the willing actually work? 😉 #
  • I seriously want one of these MSI wind’s . Yes, instead of an EEE. #