Twitter Posts for 2008-05-07

  • dude…where the hell is my "Economic stimulus payment"? I should have got it on May 2nd. …our government fails at life #
  • Anyone have suggestions for good books for learning Ruby? (and then Ruby on Rails?) Thanks for any suggestions! #
  • thinkin about watching game 1 of the Celtics vs Cavs …or do I watch the Red Sox vs Tigers? Can’t decide. #
  • Watching the Celtics vs. Cavs game…and bouncing back to the Red Sox game when I get bored. #
  • 53/52 in the Celtics vs Cavs game…entering the 4th quarter. Cray low scoring game. #
  • definitely did not get enough sleep last night…woke up feeling like I had just hit the pillow. #
  • just discovered that my office does not block Digg. wtf? They block Twitter and Cnet, but not Digg? #
  • 500GB Maxtor external hard drive for only $90 shipped. #
  • the business requirements for this project aren’t even finalized yet, and the release day was supposed to be …uh, tomorrow? #
  • they are finally going to give me a real desk…after nearly 1 year. finally! 🙂 #
  • wow, that really sucks. #
  • is it stupid that I’m really excited that it’s supposed to pour/thunderstorm this evening? #
  • @bangbang023 dear god, I know what you mean. *sigh* #
  • Brought my lunch to work, and then forgot that I brought my lunch to work. Doh…too late to go back to get it now. #
  • Watching this lady do battle with the gods of parallel parking…really amusing to behold. 🙂 #
  • Any Rails developers want to try ? …drop me a DM, I can invite you. #
  • can you imagine if Microsoft was to actually buy (all of) Facebook? #
  • @steelopus eh, it’s really no worse than when Google buys something (a la Jotspot) #
  • @steelopus I know, it’s amusing. I’m just saying, Google is not better/worse than Microsoft, and Apple is arrogant to a fault. #
  • @ShotCopter Not really, I actually think they suck a fair amount. I just think they suck as much as most other companies these days. #
  • I think the guy from IT is trying to find me, but unfortunately for him my desktop is a bit obscure to say the least… #
  • dear god, up to 100,000 dead in Myanmar. wow. just wow. #
  • What an afternoon …and it certainly was a learning experience. #
  • home, dinner, reading, Red Sox, relaxing. #
  • Same Shit, Different Day. (S.S.D.D.) …great motto. shitty evening. #
  • wow, Zenbe is REALLY nice. (now tey just need to add Firefox 3 support pronto) #