Twitter Posts for 2008-05-06

  • watching the Red Sox game…even though this seems to be the most boring baseball game ever. might get distracted by the girl in a bit. #
  • Spending some quality time on the phone with the girl…been a few days, certainly all kinds of missing her. #
  • It appears Yahoo may come crawling back to Microsoft after the beating they took on Monday… #
  • g’night all. sleep well! #
  • what are the odds that I’d break 2 razors this morning while shaving? so weird…just got to work, only 15min early #
  • office is WAY too warm already this morning. it’s either too warm or too cold…please pick 1 and be consistent! #
  • messing with Visual Basic for most of the day…not so exciting. #
  • should have got Starbucks this morning…I’m already out of coffee now. *pouts* #
  • anyone have any suggestions for Windows all-in-one Ruby on Rails setups? #
  • @joahking @mattwoberts Thank you for the suggestions! 🙂 I’ll give them a shot soon. #
  • how is it almost noon already?! not that I’m complaining 🙂 #
  • @Matthom lol…what’s your exciting plan for lunch? #
  • yeah…definitely consumed a bit too much coffee this morning. #
  • it’s always a little sad when you hit that last sip of coffee in the cup #
  • note to self…don’t be in a hurry when you try to open a 76MB XML file… #
  • Lunch outside in the gorgeous sunshine…even if it’s a little chilly with the breeze. #
  • kinda wondering where ____ is. it should have been there by now….did I give the wrong address? #
  • stupid people not paying attention to me when I gave them an order…stupid stupid stupid. *grumble* #
  • oy …the flowers finally got there 🙂 incompetent people almost ruined my plan. #
  • the last 30 minutes of work are always painful…just…want…to…leave. #
  • Dinner, a little reading, and some Red Sox game. Feels like it wants to rain this evening. #
  • Hate to Love it: American Boy ft Kanye West by Estelle …unfortunately it’s addicting. #
  • wow…it would appear Hillary rocked Obama hard in Indiana …that’s a bit surprising. #
  • Spor and Mass Effect (PC) are going to require activation every 10 days. wow, that’s some serious BS. #
  • note to self: Ubuntu’s Windows-based installer does not like hard drives encrypted with Bitlocker (from Vista). That failed miserably. #