Twitter Posts for 2008-04-04

  • @twhirl …still not seeing any kind of update when I manually check from inside the app. #
  • reading a bit before bedtime. long week, definitely exhausted. #
  • @twhirl all set now. Thanks for the reply. 🙂 #
  • coffee and SportsCenter before class #
  • Looking forward to a weekened of writing papers…hey, at least I can sleep in a bit though. #
  • not really in the mood today…in general, just across the board. #
  • just realized I had a very slow month of March for # of tweets. 336 vs. 521 in February …gotta get my #s up this month! #
  • "Creative Barcodes" …more interesting than you’d expect. #
  • what a shitty day this has become. …just so indicative of this entire week. *sigh* #
  • Just went completely free (and now with a PC version). #
  • Much better outcome than I expected, to be completely honest. #