Twitter Posts for 2008-03-27

  • @dom depends, what kind of beer? πŸ˜› #
  • accepting defeat. time to play πŸ™‚ #
  • definitely time for bed me thinks…this test tomorrow is going to suck. ah well. #
  • Adobe Photoshop Express is now open to the public… #
  • Photoshop Express (online) is not very different than Flickr with Picnic …so much for all that hype. #
  • it’s just one of those days…bombed the test, they lost our media reservation…hopefully nothing else goes wrong. #
  • $48 of gas? wtf …that is really not OK! #
  • planning for next semester …my final semester! *gulp* πŸ™‚ #
  • officially uninstalling Snitter….Twhirl is just so much better across the board. #
  • all kinds of unexciting reading to do this evening…at least my papers/tests are done for a while. #
  • playing with the nightly build of webkit on Windows …yep, Safari still sucks, but it does pass Acid 3! #