Twitter Posts for 2008-03-02

  • dinner in a little bit…pre-gaming here and then we’re headed out for a night of debauchery. #
  • I’ve been instructed to drunk dial a certain someone this evening, even though I tend to refrain from such activities. #
  • Shockingly enough I am not hung over this morning. Impressive considering the number of drinks/shots I was given. #
  • Headed to the airport to go home…and so Springbreak ends. #
  • Guy on train sitting next to me smells super funky. Wow, gross. #
  • Homophobic and racist old white people on the other side of me on the train. What a combination. #
  • Finally on the plane. actually cut things way too close. Definitely time to pass out…so exhausted. #
  • Watching people fail miserably at getting on the plane. Dear god, just sit down already! #
  • I need a vacation after my vacation…wow, freakin exhausted. #
  • Twhirl can now post to Pownce and Jaiku at the same time? That’s awesome. This app is so much better than Twitterific or Snitter. #
  • So who’s going to buy Salesforce? Microsoft? Google? Someone else? #