Twitter Posts for 2008-02-14

  • today is definitely one of those days…geez, I just wish something would work like it’s supposed to. #
  • wow…figured out my Treo problem. An event freaked out, created a few hundred copies of itself, causing my phone to freak out. how weird #
  • totally going to bomb this test tomorrow morning…a bit more reviewing, a little me time, and a good night’s rest. #
  • Dear Twitter, please figure out life. You’re make me sad when you fail so miserably. Thanks. #
  • @wmacphail a very accurate analogy! heh, I just watched that movie last week actually. #
  • Does anyone else really not care about Valentines day? I despise the "holiday" with or without a significant other. It’s a commercial joke. #
  • Well here goes nothing…wish me luck. I’ll just be happy when this test is done (either way) #
  • I think I did shockingly well on my test this morning. Happy fake holiday everyone. #
  • We should be showing our loved ones that you care every day, not just on some stupid fake commercial excuse to spend money holiday #
  • Wow, that glowing thing in the sky came out this afternoon. I can’t remember the last time we had a sunny day! 🙂 #
  • @microformats @dacort @warzabidul how are you adding the heart icon? #
  • @dacort gotcha. Thank you. 🙂 #
  • Sometimes I really shouldn’t answer the phone…totally lost my train of thought #
  • Twitter bug: can’t delete a tweet if you use HTTPS …works fine via HTTP though. They know about it, still working on it. #
  • I have an intriguing SQL problem that doesn’t make any logical sense. …the story of my life I suppose. #
  • @StarrGazr I agree. They made some nice improvements (finally). It’s no longer painful to use (compared to a desktop client) #
  • trying to kill some time …1.5 hours more. *sigh* #
  • Google Docs is completely pink today….wow, no thanks. #
  • @BreakingNewsOn you guys rock CNN and NY Times …you had the story at least 10 minutes before they did. #
  • @dacort sleep FTW! We don’t need a new TwitterStats feature that badly. we can wait (well most of us can). #