Twitter Posts for 2007-11-23

  • The Procrastination Flow Chart. #
  • Dude, I just bought (a beast of a) Dell. Trying to ignore that “I spent too much money” feeling… #
  • Coffee and some homework this morning…then maybe some more homework. #
  • Hopefully *she* calls, but I’m not exactly holding my breathe today. #
  • Is it just me, or does Apple’s “Black Friday Sale” kind of seem like a joke? …$100 off a $1,000+ computer? #
  • Time for a dog walk apparently. My dog just ripped my homework out of my hand and took off running circles around the house. #
  • time for some lunch, mybe a bit more work…then calling it a day (of work) #
  • @sbspalding Sorry, but I’d say the exaxt opposite. Flock is far more cluttered and confusing, in many cases unnecessarily so. #
  • @sbspalding In terms of stability, I’ve had Flock crash and turn into a groggy mess far more often than Firefox v2.0.0.9 #
  • @Veronica no such thing as a pointless cat photo 🙂 very cute #