Twitter Posts for 2007-11-21

  • WordPress database error #28: this means your webhost needs to empty the /temp directory for MySQL. It’s not your fault, really. #
  • Dear WordPress, why did you just delete 20 of my categories without asking me? I’d love to know. Thanks. I hate yo #
  • Going to do the whole 5AM Friday morning thing…going to try to get this computer, otherwise I’ll wait until after Xmas perhaps. #
  • Met with my professor, got a hair cut, time for some early lunch, and then headed off to work until this evening. #
  • off to sort a few thousand letters… #
  • Letter sort wasn’t nearly as bad as I expected. Doing various and sundry for the rest of the afternoon… #
  • 3 more hours? …really? I need to find something to keep me busy. #
  • Reading about transclusion in MediaWiki…very cool stuff. #
  • It’s really gross outside, either rain or snow…but please, don’t slush. #
  • pretty much just twiddling my thumbs…for another hour. #
  • (Sorta) sync your iPhone/Touch wirelessly … #