Twitter Posts for 2007-08-16

  • I heart …such a good selection of music #
  • I think I need a vacation…maybe I will try to take this Friday off (hey, it’s a mini vacation) #
  • Finding colors in nature. VERY cool idea #
  • I should have went to bed an hour ago…oh well. Extra coffee tomorrow 🙂 #
  • Yup, I’m exhausted…ugh #
  • Starbucks – check, at my desk – check…uh…now what? I need some work this morning. #
  • Digging into some Visual Basic…did I mention I don’t know Visual Basic? #
  • Ready to go home now… #
  • oy… PC is fixed, I think. Wow, was that ever weird?! …reinstalling everyone all over again. #

Talib Kweli – Hot Thing Video

This is a great song, very chill, very smooth, and with a great beat. The video for the song also happens to be great as well. It’s done in the style of those HP commercials (I think it’s HP at least) where the person is manipulating digital photos in real life…just watch the video to see what I mean.

Twitter Posts for 2007-08-15

  • The wait begins, I’m moving to T-Mobile in December 🙂 #
  • I have a fetish for to do lists, there, I said it. #
  • All internal drives should be SATA (HDDs, CD drives, Floppies, etc)… SATA is so much easier. #
  • it’s definitely time for an early bedtime #
  • Busy day filled with meetings, and hopefully fixing a security hole. #
  • I am on a very exciting conference call… I wish I could italicize “exciting”… #
  • coffee run… #
  • Scuba diving in Mexico (June 2007) #
  • MS Office 2007 SP1 Tech Preview… #

Twitter Posts for 2007-08-13

  • grumpy, and it’s definitely time for bed. #
  • trying to get situated on this Monday morning. The weather is supposed to be gorgeous (Sunny, 75, light breeze). #
  • YABDAO – Yet Another Busy Day At the Office…is it 5pm yet? #
  • I got offered a very impressive part-time position (same as my internship)…very cool. #
  • A new meaning to “rubber stamping” something… #
  • watching a little preseason football. #
  • @sarah I hear ya (pun intended). I go from Jedi Mind Tricks to Frank Sinatra to Deftones to Justin Timberlake… gotta love musical variety #

Twitter Posts for 2007-08-12

  • I wish I didn’t feel this exhausted… #
  • Coffee, a book, and I am headed outside. #
  • The dog has been walked, time for more reading and eventually lunch #
  • 10 Most expensive paintings (Irises is the only one I’m familiar with) #
  • Facebook’s Source Code (really not very interesting) #
  • Zomg! my MS keyboard works out of the box with my mac mini (media keys too!) #
  • maybe reading, maybe lunch, maybe watching the Red Sox game, but Definitely doing nothing productive. #
  • trying to get Zimbra up and running (for the 4th or 5th time). I’d love to try it out… #
  • @Steve Spalding I am working on setting up a Zimbra virtual appliance as a test. I want to see if it’s comparable to Exchange (with OWA). #
  • The price of a new iMac is still not easy to swallow. I just built a comparable Dell for $200 less. #
  • Very cool To-Do list web app. I love me some To-Do lists 🙂 #

Interesting Links: 8.12.07

It’s been another one of those weeks where way too much is going on during the week so I collect bookmarks to read and post about individually, but we know that doesn’t happen. So here is a week in review:

  1. Regular expression can seem scary, but they can be very useful in the right situation.
  2. If the default system applications in Windows can’t do something that you’d like to do then look for alternatives. You will find a plethora of great alternatives (and they are usually free too).
  3. Cygwin is an interesting thing, and I won’t lie: I still don’t think I have quite got my head around when/why I’d use it. I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve tried to do a “ls” at the Windows crapline command line.
  4. CSS layouts can be an easy thing to code, but the initial planning to decide which type of layout to use is always the biggest challenge. This is a great summary of the trade offs for each type of layout.
  5. HTML 5 is still a ways off in the future, I realize that, but I am still intrigued by the possibilities that it might will bring when it’s ready. Mark my words, Microsoft will join the development effort eventually.

Twitter Posts for 2007-08-11

  • The angst has kicked in. Yes, I am cranky #
  • gotta work in the morning, off to bed. #
  • headed into work, things sound quite busy this morning #
  • 2 websites built, 3 signs put up, and I think it’s time for lunch. #
  • watching the Red Sox game… #