Lost Season Three Finale

Lost Season Three Finale
Um…the general consensus seems to be …”what the f*ck just happened?” Wow, talk about a cliff hanger…I am totally loving this show while being totally completely and utterly lost (ironic ain’t it?).
My theory:
What we saw with Jack and Kate was a future-flash after they get off the island, BUT it’s not after getting off the island like what just happened in the present day on the island. Give me a second to explain…
They use the phone, the guy says “we’ll be right there”, Ben was right, chaos ensues when these new people land on the island (trying to kill the Losties), the new people are Dharma trying to get back to the island, our Losties then have a new enemy in these invaders, eventually the Losties get off the island in the very end of the entire series, leading to what happened in the future-flash that we saw. Also, I think Sawyer was in the casket because there is absolutely no way Locke is ever going to leave the island.
Now we have to wait until February 2008! 😦 … wow that really sucks 😦