Random Site Information

Here are the monthly hits for 2006:

  • Jan 2006       9,369
  • Feb 2006       9,358
  • Mar 2006     13,280
  • Apr 2006       1,388

As you may be able to gather from those numbers, I am still getting a absurd number of spam referral spam, though I have managed to get down the bandwidth that these pathetic excuses for human beings are stealing from me. When my problems with referral spam first began I was getting about 30,000 – 40,000 hits a month, and using about 6GB of bandwidth. Since I’ve taken measures to make my site a little less tasty for these bastards I am down around 9,000 – 10,000 (which is still inflated) and only about 1.5GB monthly.

Pretty nice reduction huh?

How did I do it?

I originally had a page that displayed the last 100 referring sites. Useless I know, but kinda interesting when it works correctly. Well, as you’d assume this site gets analyzed by Google and added into their massive index. Referral spam loves pages because they can send thousands of spam refferals to a site that displays a page like this and through this process elevate there page ranking because Google will find more links to the spam site. Well, the simple fix is to get rid of this page and any page that displays any type of referral information. I still have a statistics page that may be causing me some problems, but we shall see if that is worthwile to remove.

Hey, I said this was random site information.  rasberry

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