Exclusive: Windows Vista 5361 Screenshots and Wallpapers

Vista 5361 Screenshots
Vista 5361 Wallpapers
Not much information about this new build is available yet, but here is the release information:

Heading Weekly Build-v.5361
Date 2006/4/12
Size 22,682.44 MB
Version 5361
This package includes the following :
(Please Note : These builds require a new Produce Key for Builds 5320 and up)
5361 Client Downloads
Vista_5361_32bitFRE_Main_Unstaged_DVD_EN.iso = Build 5361 Client, 32 bit wars, Unstaged
Vista_5361_64bitFRE_Main_Unstaged_DVD_EN.iso = Build 5361 Client, 64 bit wars, Unstaged
5361 Server Downloads
LH_5361_32bitFRE_Main_Unstaged_DVD_EN.iso = Build 5361 Server, 32 bit wars, Unstaged
LH_5361_64bitFRE_Main_Unstaged_DVD_EN.iso = Build 5361 Server, 64 bit wars, Unstaged
LH_5361_IA64bitFRE_Main_Unstaged_DVD_EN.iso = Build 5361 Server, I64 bit DVD, Unstaged

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