Mail2RSS: free disposable email

Mail2RSS is made to enable reading emails with any RSS feedreader! If you ever wanted to read all your newsletters and mailing lists as RSS feeds, just forward those emails to any address at

How to use it?

Select an address you want to use e.g. [email protected] and view this feed at our website by adding anything.xml to the end of the web address.

That’s it! Just send all your emails to this newly created email address.


Since this is a public service and there is no registration everybody can choose and read any email address. Be original! Choose something that will be hard to guess if you don’t want others to read your emails!


  • Attachments are not shown and will be dropped if found
  • Emails are kept in your virtual mailbox for 7 days
  • Only last 20 emails are show (on site and in RSS feed), all older emails are deleted

Cool idea, and easy to setup a disposable email address. Slowly, but surely cutting down on spam… blank stare 

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