Fellowship of the Ring – HD vs DVD

Fellowship of the Ring – HD vs DVD

Being amazed at how fantastic the HD transfer of Fellowship of the Ring looked, I decided to compare it to the transfer on the DVD. Now, the DVD transfer is among the best you can find on DVD, so this really is comparing the respective creams of the crops.

I used Photoshop to bicubically resample the DVD source images from 852×480 to match the 1920×1080 of the HD images. This page features the HD image sampled down to the DVD’s resolution of 852×480. Surprisingly, even at DVD-resolution the HD source features more detail.

Mouseover any of the images here to see the HD downsample. You can see the full-size comparisons by clicking on the images on this page. The difference is pretty amazing.

This guy has a little too much time on his hand, but very cool to look at and compare the difference…boy do I need to get an HDTV.

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