Yeah So I Disappeared Again

Honestly, I haven’t been up to all the much as of late. Most of the past week has been spent talking to my wonderfully amazing girlfriend who is now older than dirt as of the 6th (she turned 23) and working on my server a bit. My server runs Ubuntu Hoary which is the latest stable (non testing) release of this distro (distribution). It’s an amazing little distro I must add, but this is neither the time or the place for a proper review of Ubuntu. Anyways, back to the point…Lets just say that “this person” happen to acquire OSX for intel processors which will from this point on be referred to as OSx86. “This person” also then went on to get the most recent version of the generic OSX installer patch release 1 and then installed OSx86 on a spare hard drive. The installation was so simple a blind chimp could handle it. Everything works like a champ following the installation except for the wireless networking. After a bit of researching on the internet “this person” find a group of people discussing this exact problem and “this person” following several other people’s suggestions eventually got the wireless networking working perfectly. So now that “this person” has a fully (well almost fully…more on this later) working installation of the yet to be released OSx86 they decided to run the server on this instead.

OSX is supposed to be able to mount linux partitions just fine. “This person” happens to be lucky though however. Some unknown reason, be it a bug on this development version of OSx86 or what, “this person” is unable to mount the linux partition inside OSx86 to get the previously stored server files that need to be moved onto the new server. …This is what has been consuming most of the compter-related time as of late. The general conclusion “this person” has come to is that the easiest solution is going to be to try and boot into linux using a live cd and then try and just move the old server files onto a separate hard drive and then to boot back into OSx86. It sucks that this seems to be the only solution.

Enough of the boring stuff. My girl is coming in November because she is absolutely amazing. Then in the not so distant future I am going to Norway hopefully for quite an extended visit. This is my life, I am pretty happy with it right now with a few exceptions, namely the distance to Norway thing.

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