Untitled 6.16.05

It’s really pretty simple.

Who the fuck do you think you are? Who the hell gives you the right to judge me. I’ve never judge a single thing you have ever done. Why? Because I realize that we are very different people who have lived very different lives. I don’t judge you so why the fuck are you judging me? I’ve messed up in the past. I guarantee you have messed up somewhere along your perfect little life as well. I never said I was proud of my past. You know what? There isn’t a damn thing I can do to take it back. So stop damning me to repeat my errors and how about you focus on your own life.

According to you incredibly naive logic I am hopeless. I am a lost cause and I am beyond “repair.” If that’s what you actually think, then fuck you. Forget you. I don’t need those kinds of friends. I have enough drama in my life right now; I don’t need this pessimistic fatalistic crap from you too.

Yes, this is strongly worded. Yes, this might piss you off. The question to ask is “Why haven’t I said this a long time ago if this is what you’ve been thinking all along.” I don’t care if this pisses you off. I don’t care if this hurts you to read this.

I’ll return the favor. I judge you and your comments to be incredibly insensitive, hurtful, and unnecessary. It must be nice thinking you live such a pristine virtuous life huh?
