AUDIOFREAK Tutorial: Forget P2P, We have Google!

AUDIOFREAK Tutorial: Forget P2P, We have Google!

Many people use Google for their everyday searches: recipes, movies, what time the local coffee shop opens, but few know of the power that is truely behind this search engine. Using a series of simple commands and special characters, we can have Google scour the web for any type of file we want, and with over 8,000,000,000, thats 8 Billion, cached web pages, chances are that one of them will hold the result you are looking for. In just a few seconds you can find copies of that unreleased Elvis track or the pre-release of Star Wars 3 that you’ve always wanted.

Copy the following code and do a Google search:

“band” last modified mp3 “index of” -html -htm -php -asp

Replace band with the name of your favorite band or artist. Make sure that you keep the quotation marks in there as this is part of the “special code” that Google reads.

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