Bungie.net: News – Halo 2 Leaked

Bungie’s Response to the Halo 2 Leak

First off, I’d like to state that I have nothing but the utmost respect for Bungie. I hope whoever released Halo 2 get caught and spends there remaining days locked up in a tiny little room only to be let out to live in fear of dropping the soap. I will point this out for anyone who is unaware: Microsoft owns Bungie…therefore, this not only pisses off Bungie because of all there hard work, this pisses off Microsoft…and a pissed off Microsoft is a scary thing. That said, I found this rather amusing. Let me quote this for you:

“Microsoft is currently engaged in a full scale investigation and to those foolish enough to partake in this piracy, you will soon witness the firepower of this fully operational battle station.”

All I can say is, sucks to be these people when Microsoft finds them.  LOL 

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