You never think to ask…

I am a very religious person

I can’t believe I almost managed that with a straight face. Ah well. You know how somethings you just never bother to ask because you kinda just either 1. don’t care or 2. just don’t think about. Well…I was sitting watching TV (Last Comic Standing actually) the other night and the thought struck me. I relealized that I had no idea if I had been baptized. I always just assumed I had been even though I am so far from a religious person. Anyways, so I decided to ask my mother, I mean, why not? She matter of factly responded, “nope.” lol…It’s not a big deal, but I just found it amusing I guess. So here is the little story I learned as to why I wasn’t baptized and in fact why we pulled away and eventually cut off all ties from the Catholic Church.

Apparently my mother had approached the priest of our church and had mentioned that she was hoping that I might be baptized in the upcoming month (whenever this was). The priest straight faced and completely seriously said to my mother, “How about we wait to see if we consistently see your donation envelope in the basket…and then we’ll see.” lol…I only wish I was kidding about this story. Needless to say, following that day we never attended that church again. In the long term, we never in fact went to church consistently, ever again. Oh how I love organized religioun. Now, the only time I ever go to church is for weddings and funerals, I think that is becoming a pretty coming trend though. I don’t think I would make a very good Catholic anyways, I am definitely not guilty or god-fearing (should I say priest-fearing?…nasty pedophiles) enough for them. Anyways, I won’t go into my beliefs, the few that are loosely formed I don’t care to explain, the rest of them…well, I just don’t care enough to think about them.

I wonder whatelse I never bothered to think about or to ask? lol.  wink

P.S. Apparently, according to the Catholic church I am going to hell. It used to be a state of limbo in between hell and heaven if you were baptized, but they have changed that. Now I go straight to hell, do not pass go, do not collect your pay day.  ohh 
