Some thoughts before taking a final…

So I am about to head off for one of my finals, Sports Psychology. Am I nervous? Yeah a bit. Am I excited about it? Yeah, cause it’s one step closer to being done with this stress for a few months.

Current Tunes:  Rufus Wainwright – Cigarettes and Chocolate Milk (4:44)

I am liking Rufus, as hard as I try not to. lol. After seeing his concert in February it’s been very difficult to not like his music. It’s just catchy.

Wow…am I ever sick of this humidity already. This is not looking too good for the rest of the summer. lol. I know Rochester is going to be nasty like this all summer. …Not to mention that place called the Caribbean where I’ll be going, yeah, they have just a little bit of humidity, lol, just a touch.

Well, I am done rambling. I had to get my disorganized, far from grammatically correct thoughts out before I take this final. Ciao for now.
